Friday, March 19, 2010

Where is my money? – A salary crisis of majority class in Taiwan

Where is my money? – A salary crisis of majority class in Taiwan
- Blog by Steve Hwang

I'm sure you've all heard increasing concern on salary crisis of working class in Taiwan. There were lots of bad news and alarming sign—and leaders, government, corporations and individuals all contributed to this crisis.

I'd like to discuss how the situation of salary and the impact to majority class who makes up 90% of population in Taiwan and solution of how to improve it

Let me bring you back to summer of1985 when I finished my two-year mandatory military service. ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute), China Steel and few other companies offered me for a job interview and the starting salary for Bachelor degree was NT 20-25K/per month. I declined the interview and continued Master degree study in Materials Engineering Institutes, Taiwan University. Two years later in 1987, after I completed M.S. study, I was offered a job to Chins Steel, Chung-San Research Center, ITRI with a starting salary of 25-30K /per month. My thinking on salary of working in Taiwan that was logical and supported by own experience should be 20-25k for B.S. degree, 25-30K for M.S. degree, 30-35K for Ph.d. degree, and expected average annual increase rate 4-5%.

After spent 3 years in University of Utah of Ph.d. study and graduated with a doctoral degree in Metallurgical Engineering, I was very fortunate to receive a job offer with a starting salary of US $ 45K /per year which is equated to NT120K/per month during a global economic recession in the winter of 1990. Later, I’d learned that the starting salary of a new Ph.d. graduate in Silicon Valley was US$ 45-55K. After 20 years passed, in 2010, the starting salary for a new Ph.d. in Silicon Valley has been more than doubled and increased to US $ 100-120K/per year (NT$ 300K/per month). That is annual compound salary growth rate of 4-5% over last 20 years.

In October of 1997, I’d published a book with 三民書局. During this book publication and launch processes, I’d privilege to work, know and make friends with two young, intelligent and wonderful people. Cathy Chang, a graduate with B.S. degree from an prestigious national university, who was my editor, helped edit the script, arrange the print and book launch event. Neil Lin, a graduate with M.S. degree from another prestigious national university, who was a journalist with Business Weekly, wrote an article on how I applied the training from rugby sport in Cheng-Kung University to becoming a top management at Seagate Technology and of managing a global, diverse organization.

I was totally surprised to know that their salaries were in the range of NT$25-35K/per month. This salary ranges for new graduates who have spent years studying hard for advanced degrees, are just pitiful and have not improved for past 20 years. Furthermore, I’ve learned that overall salary ranges for new graduates, seasoned professionals, and low or high skilled people basically remain the same as before. However, there are few exceptions earning a big paycheck including cooperate executives, banker, Investor, or some high rank employees, roughly 10% of total population who enjoy all beneficial from economic growth, are compensated by hefty stock options, bonus, salary in order to match the competitive compensation package from other global corporations in Taiwan.

While the costs of housing, education, transportation, entertainment, food and others in 2007 are all more than double the price as compared to 1987. This is an alarming sign and needs immediate attention for solution – No country can successful build on the foundation when, majority class, 90% of people, are living a life from pay check to next pay check and struggling to maintain a comfortable living standard, while a small % of population are living in a extravagant, Hollywood movie star life style.

How can we fix this salary crisis in Taiwan?

Here are my suggestions:

Minimum hourly wage:

Government should pass a law of “ minimum hourly wage’ that is the lowest hourly wage that employers may pay to workers. Through the minmum hourly wage, it increases the standard of living of workers, reduces poverty and hardship.
The minimum wage has a strong social consideration, rooted in concern about providing sufficient income for low skilled members of the work force. Minimum wage structure through the law or policy can achieve a prefereable income structure and mitigate the impact of social injusted “M” ( 10% rich and 90% poor population) income structure.
Case in point: USA has federal minumum wage law to ensure a minumum hourly wage paid to workers and employees. In order to ajusted with inflation of living cost , the averaged minumium hourly wage has increased from US$ 3.35 in 1984 to US$ 5.85 in 1997.
I believe that the minmum hourly wage should be at NT $ 130-150/per year, roughly same minumum wage in USA in 1984..

Competitively salary and wage:

Government should enforce a policy for comparable salary and wage as compared to competitive nations. Taiwan should adopt a policy to define an average salary for different skill set of workers and enforces corporations and government to comply it. The salary structure is derived from the survey of average salary from Hong-Kong, Korea, and Singapore for comparable job function and skill set.

For example, the average of salary for a skill set employee in computing industry who has a M.S. degree with 10-15 years job experience is US $ 61K/per year (NT$ 150K/per month) from the average salary of competitive countries. The corporations in Taiwan needs to pay same skill set employees with salary scale from low end, -10%, US $55K ( NT$ 135K/per month) to high end, +10%, US$ 67K ( NT$ 165K/per month).

Case in point: At Seagate Technology, we’ve a salary structue based on survey result of average salary from top 5-10 coporations with similar size, same geographic location in IT industry, companies like Intel, CISCO, Applied Materials, HP, Dell….etc.

This salay sruture provides a guide line to annula focal review and salary adjustment. In my 16 years with Seagate Technoloyg, I ‘ve seen that typical annual salary adjustment is 2-6 % and 5-8% for employees who are promoted to next grade level with increading skill set, role and responsibility. Roughly, 10-15% of total employee will receive a promotion during annual focal review.

Competitive salary structure means that employees in Taiwan have salaries similar to companies with jobs in other competitive countries. This policy will provide an annual salary rate according to global economic growth; rather it is fully controlled by the executives and investors of corporations. Government and corporations need to aware that qualified people will look for and move to other countries if they can’t negotiate and receive a competitive pay.

Accelerate economic growth and create wealth for majority class:

A government-lead policy and law are necessary to prevent runaway salary gap from rich, to poor. However, the redistribution of money equity through the use of government function could cause a negative impact on entrepreneur spirit, new business initiative and foreign investment.

The Holy Grail to solve the salary crisis is wealth creation. One area Taiwan needs to improve quickly is economic growth. Although, economy in exports is still near the top as compared to others, Taiwan needs to become best in class on domestic economy, exports, tourism and all categories of economy. Only when Taiwan can return to healthy economic growth and to create abundant wealth, along with new policy of minimum wage, competitive salary, tax on stock option and high tax bracket for rich. If everyone in Taiwan does this all together, I am fully confident that Taiwan people can solve salary issue and return to a fair, friendly and happy society.

You’ve read my suggestions to this urgent issue. Please give your comments and pass on this blog to other people.

Thank you


  1. Got salary increment is good news, but might be disappointment as the ratio is under expectation or under the average. To ask adjustment with employer is also too risky during the down turn.
    Sometimes we might discover the PMD review procedure did not reflect the truly situation. It happened the ranking already set before personal PMD form submitted.

    I think you have lot of employees in Seagate their personal market value growth rate higher than company, also someone keep fast depreciation. Expect your have a topic regarding “How to increase personal market value as a employee.” Thanks

  2. Dear Sloan,

    The minimum wage and competitive salary structure that I suggested are for the policy makers and company executives. With these tools, in the long term, Taiwan can balance the distribution of wealth and creates a large number of middle classes who have good salary, live in a comfortable life and have strong consumption power to boost domestic economy.

    As individuals, how to continually improve personal skills, to gain competitive edge and to increase personal marketability remains an important subject to be discussed.

    I plan to write next blog on this subject that is based on my personal experience – how can we compete in a global market, increase personal value through daily improvement, and become indispensable in a very competitive job market.

    Please stay tune. Thank you for the comments that are very valuable to me.

    Best Regards,


  3. 『千萬不能給我加薪!』

  4. Dear A&B,

    If everyone in Taiwan works like 台長詹姆斯‧布拉得 (work as if he didn’t need money), I am sure that Taiwan will be the most competitive and productive nation. Unfortunately, many people can’t work in the same human desire as台長詹姆斯‧布拉得 , until they can meet basic human living needs which are air, water, food and money.

    Government needs to ensure that it can provide a comfortable living environment so citizens won’t need to worry of food and money, then many people like you and 台長詹姆斯‧布拉得 will show up in Taiwan .

    Thank you for the comments.



  5. I can remember there was a debate on raising the minimum hourly wage from 65~70 to 95 per hour in Taiwan several years ago. It was quite suprising me that there was a huge number of people against raising the minimum hourly wage. Their argument seems like the higher wage would decrease lower supply and result in higher unemployment rate. I think there might be a complicated economic issue behind this policy. I dont know if you have any comment on this?

  6. Dear COOLPIE,

    The argument against raising minimum wage is that it will increase the cost of corporations doing business in Taiwan, so corporations may chose moving to other lower wage area. This argument is only true when corporations overpay employees in Taiwan as compared to same skill talents from other competitive country. But that is not the case in Taiwan where corporations pay significantly lower salary than those of competitive countries. ( I am very familiar with Singapore’s salary structure since I’ve been involving with Seagate’ operation in Singapore for many years. And people earn higher salary in Singapore as compared to those in Taiwan who have same education and skill set.)

    Taiwan started a high tech industry with a detrimental compensation structure on which the base-salary is low but with hefty stock option and bonus. The stock option and bonus are tax free and heavily go to pocket of management and executive teams, while the middle and lower grade employees who are main contributors to the high techs in Taiwan, receive miserable pay. Such compensation structure created many billionaires as well as many low income people. Then the so called “ M” type of social structure is formed. As the “M” type of structure accelerates, we see serious social injustice and issues creeping up, such as some wealthy families spending thousands for their pets, millions for cars/luxury items, some who couldn’t even pay for school lunch fee …etc.

    I strongly believe that Taiwan needs a competitive salary structure for majority class with that it can create a highly motivate middle/majority class for building the best Taiwan ever.

    Take care,

    Steve, 72 gee OB

  7. Thank you OB,

    I totally agree with your point and I personally belive that the salary sctruture in Taiwan needs to be reformed. I belive this is a right direction for Taiwanese to follow, but it might be a long way due to many factors particularly the political issues and our relationship to Mainland China.

    I quite enjoy reading your articles, and look forward to your new articles showing your concerns on Taiwan.
